I will be their God, and they will be my people.’ I will give you a new heart. In Jeremiah 31:33, God announces the cure for all that: ‘I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. They’ve had Jeremiah 17:9 drilled into them and they walk around believing my heart is deceitfully wicked.
“Too many Christians today are living back in the old covenant. He teaches that Jeremiah 17:9 doesn’t apply to a believer and he can therefore follow his heart: He promotes psycho-babble, spending a lot of time talking about “father wounds.” One of his mentors is psychologist Larry Crabb, and he worked with Focus on the Family for 10 years. J ohn Eldredge, the co-founder of Ransomed Heart ministries and author of The Sacred Romance and Wild at Heart, is a dangerous spiritual guide.